The Oddcast

The SHWEP podcast is basically chronological, but there’s only so much chronology that anyone can take. The Oddcast features interviews from the whole historical scope of western esotericism. When the chronology catches up with episodes here, they migrate to the main podcast, but there’s no reason to wait years to listen to an interview we have now.

There are also interviews here which take in such a broad sweep of chronology that they belong in more general context, and here they shall remain.

Free and members-only | Members-only | Title list

Charles Stang and Jason Josephson-Storm on Theosophy and the Study of Religions

Sebastián Moro Tornese on Anagogic Music in Ancient Platonism

Michæl Griffin on the Virtues in Ancient Platonism: Painters, Dancers, and Godlike Sages

Judith Noble on Magic and Artistic Practice

Members only: Into the Hellenic Underground with Levan Gigineishvili

Levan Gigineishvili on Ioane Petritsi and the Mediæval Georgian Proclus-Reception

Jonathan Greig on the East Roman Proclus Reception, Sixth to Fifteenth Centuries

Sørina Higgins on Modernist Drama and Ceremonial Magic

Peter Adamson on the Arabic Proclus

Alireza Doostdar on ‘Metaphysical Religion’ in Contemporary Iran

Karin Valis on Magic and Artificial Intelligence

Noah Gardiner on the Pseudo-Bunian Shams al-maʿārif al-kubrā and the Corpus Bunianum

Noah Gardiner on Aḥmad al-Būnī and Islamicate Lettrism

Morwenna Ludlow on Universal Salvation in Christianity

Members only: On est enchanté encore avec Jason Josephson Storm

Jason Josephson Storm on the Myth of Disenchantment

Magic, Technology, Art, and Enlightenment: Gillian McIver on Philippe-Jacques de Loutherbourgh

Ferdinando Buscema on Magic, Illusion, and the Question of a Reality

Tzvi Langermann on the Sefer Yetsira: Cosmology, Science, and Kabbala

Members only: Bojana Radovanović on the Bogomils, Gnostics, Cathars, and Others

Bojana Radovanović on the Bogomils

Members only: Juan Acevedo Neither Speaks nor Hides, but Signifies

Juan Acevedo on Alphanumeric Cosmology

Dylan Burns on the Birth of Free Will in Late Antiquity

Dylan Burns on Providence, Fate, and Dualism in Antiquity

Gyrus on the Rise and Fall of the Polar Cosmos, Part II

Gyrus on the Rise and Fall of the Polar Cosmos, Part I

John Dillon on Stephen MacKenna and Plotinus

Members only: Peter Grey on Magic(k) in Theory and Practice

Peter Grey on the Babalon and Antichrist Workings

Members only: Bink Hallum Circles the Square

Bink Hallum on ‘Magic Squares’

Members only: Michael Noble Ascends to the Perfect Nature

Philosophising the Occult: Michael Noble on The Hidden Secret of Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī

Tatiana Bur on Living Statues, Then and Now

Members only: Salon and On: More Péladan with Sasha Chaitow

Sasha Chaitow on Joséphin Péladan

Members only: HPB Unveiled with Marina Alexandrova

Marina Alexandrova Introduces Madame Blavatsky

Members only: Into the Chapel Perilous with Erik Davis

RAW! Erik Davis on Robert Anton Wilson (with Eddie Nix)

Allegra Baggio-Corradi on Niccolò Leonico Tomeo

Emily Selove on the Magical Book of al-Sakkākī

Amy Hale on the Magical Life and Art of Ithell Colquhoun

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