The Oddcast

The SHWEP podcast is basically chronological, but there’s only so much chronology that anyone can take. The Oddcast features interviews from the whole historical scope of western esotericism. When the chronology catches up with episodes here, they migrate to the main podcast, but there’s no reason to wait years to listen to an interview we have now.

There are also interviews here which take in such a broad sweep of chronology that they belong in more general context, and here they shall remain.

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Members only: Into the Hellenic Underground with Levan Gigineishvili

We discuss further with Dr Gigineishvili, exploring the extraordinary intellectual scene of high-mediæval Georgia. We discuss Origenistic heresies in Petritsi's thought. We then turn to the importance of Petritsi's work for any future edition of Proclus' Elements.

Members only: On est enchanté encore avec Jason Josephson Storm

We continue our conversation with J.Ā.J. Storm, talking science, magic, religion, and the interrelations between the three of them, the question of assessing advancement in a given context (technological, epistemological, or whatever), and whether modern applied science is really natural magic with a new label (spoiler alert: it is).

Members only: Bojana Radovanović on the Bogomils, Gnostics, Cathars, and Others

We let the tape roll and discuss some more fascinating byways of dualist Christianity in the middle ages. Come for the Cathar connections, stay for the addressative magic and visionary ascent practices.

Members only: Juan Acevedo Neither Speaks nor Hides, but Signifies

Our conversation with Doctor Acevedo evolves into a long and, some might say, esoteric hermeneutical tour of linguistic theory and western ontology illuminated by the riddling wisdom of Heraclitus.

Members only: Peter Grey on Magic(k) in Theory and Practice

Further discussion with Peter Grey, looking at aspects of the Crowley/Parsons/Hubbard story from magickal and scholarly perspectives.

Members only: Bink Hallum Circles the Square

We continue our conversation with Dr Hallum, exploring some fascinating manuscript detective work revealing some unsolved mysteries of transmission, the Jewish and East Roman medieval magic-square traditions, early-modern translations and adaptations of the material, and much more.

Members only: Michael Noble Ascends to the Perfect Nature

We continue our interview with Michael Noble, exploring magical, exegetical, soteriological, prophetological, and other aspects of Rāzī's thought. Things get seriously esoteric, and you know that we do not say things like that lightly.

Members only: Salon and On: More Péladan with Sasha Chaitow

We continue our discussion of the Sâr Merodac, speaking of his influence, his sympathy for the Devil, his place in esoteric thought, and more.

Members only: HPB Unveiled with Marina Alexandrova

We continue our discussion of the life and thought of HPB, talking about fraud and enchantment, messiahs and holy fools, and sex, drugs, and theosophy.

Members only: Into the Chapel Perilous with Erik Davis

In this continuing conversation with Dr Davis we explore conspiracy (as a state of mind, religious practice, and self-fulfilling quasi-reality), the current state of ‘the archons’ (and why q-anon may be a helpful model for thinking through late-antique ‘Gnosticism’), and Philip K. Dick's work in light of the cultural moment underway in America and beyond.

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