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Podcast episode

Episode 201: Matthew Melvin-Koushki on Islam, ‘the West’, and Western Esotericism

We welcome Matthew Melvin-Koushki back to the show to discuss how we might improve our historical picture of western esotericism by including the vast majority of the surviving historical dossier of western esotericism. There's only one problem: in order to do this, we need to embrace the Islamicate world as a major part of the west.

Blog post

Michelle Aroney on an Exhibition on Divination at the Bodleian Library

The Bodleian Library in Oxford, one of the world's greatest repositories of all manner of cultural treasures, is currently host to an extraordinary exhibition drawing on its collections. The title is Omens, Oracles, and Answers, and the subject is divination. We speak with Michelle Aroney, one of the exhibition's organisers.

Oddcast episode

Charles Stang and Jason Josephson-Storm on Theosophy and the Study of Religions

What if the scientific study of religions, a.k.a. Comparative Religions, History of Religions, and so forth – the academic discipline wherein the academic study of western esotericism largely finds its home – was founded by, well, western esotericists? In this interview we examine the history of the history of religions with two historians of religions and find the Theosophical Society right there at the beginning.

Podcast episode

Episode 200: Introducing Islām

With Episode 200 the SHWEP has reached a milestone of sorts. We are in the seventh century, and the world-order suddenly changes irrevocably as a new political force arises from Arabia: the Believers. We discuss three main respects in which the history of Islam is the history of western esotericism.

Blog post

Esoteric Island Discs: Gary Lachman

Our castaway is Gary Lachman, prolific author on many recondite and fascinating currents of modern esotericism and, as Gary Valentine, member of the Rock 'N' Roll Hall of Fame. The esoteric island is touched by the presence.

Blog post

The Seventh Annual Report of the SHWEP

2024 was damn esoteric; here's hoping for an even more esoteric 2025.

Listen to the Introduction

An introduction to the podcast, discussing briefly what we mean by ‘western esotericism’. This episode also answers the burning question, ‘What’s so “secret” about The Secret History of Western Esotericism Podcast?’ and features a short quiz to test your knowledge of western esoteric history.

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