Members-only podcast episode
Storytime: Reading the Corpus Hermeticum, Part I

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In this, the first part of a series reading through the (rest of the) Corpus Hermeticum, we consider C.H. II-V. We have a number of visions of the universe and of god, and a fascinating play between ideas of transcendence and of immanence. We learn that the human being is, once again, in a privileged position vis à vis the creation, but also, in C.H. IV, that only certain humans have access to nous, the lofty form of consciousness (if that is what it is) which gives immortality. We get some Neopythagorean-flavoured arithmology, a taste of an apophatic hymnal, and a number of names applied to the god who transcends all names.
Works Cited in this Episode:
- Damascius, De principiis 3.3.
- Zosimus of Panopolis, The Final Accounting (ΤΟ ΠΡΩΤΟΝ ΒΙΒΛΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΤΕΛΕΥΤΑΙΑΣ ἈΠΟΧΗΣ ΖΩΣΙΜΟΥ ΘΗΒΑΙΟΥ) 8 is a crucial source for reading both the Poimandres and C.H. IV, The Kratêr; see our in-depth discussion here. The key passage is where Zosimus advises his pupil, Theosebeia: ‘Proceed with these things until you have perfected your soul; then, when you are aware that it has been perfected, spit on the matter of natural things, having taken refuge in Poimenandres and having been immersed in the krater (καὶ καταδραμοῦσα ἐπὶ τὸν Ποιμένανδρα καὶ βαπτισθεῖσα τῷ κρατῆρι), set out to rejoin your race.’
- A.-J. Festugière. La révélation d’Hermès Trismégiste. Les Belles Lettres, Paris, 2014.p. 5/II 477: ‘… son charactère le plus saillant, c’est qu’il est aussi divers que possible, et tout d’abord, quant aux titres des opuscules.’
- On the multiple ‘ones’ in C.H. V, see Nock-Festugière, Corpus Hermeticum vol. I, pp. 62-3, n. 4.
- Jørgen Podemann Sørensen. The Egyptian Background of the hieros logos. In Apocryphon Severine, Festschrift Søren Giversen, pages 215–225. Aarhus University Press, Aarhus, 1993, p. 220.
Recommended Reading:
- Jean-Marie Sevrin. Le dossier baptismal séthien. Études sur la sacramentaire gnostique. Number 2 in BCNH Études. Presses Universitaires Laval, Québec, 1986.
James Lomas
November 6, 2020
Thanks for the storytime!
Noetic baptism — do you think there was a immersion ritual implied, perhaps with a mixing bowl? If I had to speculate, Psilocybe Semilanceata, the most widespread psychedelic mushrooms native to Europe — and shaped like a Phrygian hat — assisted that so-common experience of “oneness in the cosmos”.
Is it appropriate to compare the prototypical “psychedelic oneness” experience to the pursuit of the one, as discussed in the text?
Earl Fontainelle
November 6, 2020
All comparative work is appropriate, provided it is adopted with the right level of open-endedness. It is a surprising fact that we do not have a single, solitary reference to psychedelic mushroom-taking anywhere in classical literature, inscriptions, iconography – absolutely nothing (except fanciful stuff, like ‘Mithras’ hat is clearly a psilocybe semilanceata’, that sort of thing).
We need to account for that very powerful silence somehow.
Haley Olson
November 11, 2021
I would love more episodes like this!!! Thank you so much.
Oscar Jablon
July 25, 2022
Is the recommended reading only in French or has there been English translations?
Earl Fontainelle
June 7, 2023
Only French, as far as I know.