Members-only podcast episode

John Finamore Ascends to the Noetic Triad (While Still in the Body)

This is a special podcast episode for SHWEP members only

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In a continued discussion, Professor Finamore explores and addresses:

  • The strange idea/practice of kosmic ascent in Iamblichus,
  • Iamblichean mathematical (meta)physics,
  • The question of an individual nous of the soul,
  • The experiential dimension of the noetic reality, and
  • The phenomenology of calling gods and daimones to visible appearance through ritual.

Interview Bio:

John Finamore is a professor of Classics at The University of Iowa. He is the author of many books on the ancient Platonist tradition, notably the essential Iamblichus and the Theory of the Vehicle of the Soul (1985) and, with John Dillon, the standard edition and English translation of the De anima fragments (2002). He is the editor of The International Journal of the Platonic Tradition and president of the U.S. section of the International Society for Neoplatonic Studies, the latter of which is, for my money, the finest collegial body devoted to exploration of the Platonist traditions in all their many aspects.