Members-only podcast episode
Gregory Shaw (Briefly) Divinises the Soul

This is a special podcast episode for SHWEP members only
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We recorded a few minutes of further conversation about Plotinus, Iamblichus, the status of the written word as spiritual tool, the role of embodiment and strife in theurgic self-realisation, and that sort of thing. The internet cut out unexpectedly at a certain point – probably it could not handle the coolness of our conversation – but we decided to release this short snippet, as there is some interesting material therein.
Interview Bio:
Gregory Shaw is Professor of Religious Studies at Stonehill College, where he lectures on ancient religions, dreams, the phenomenology of transcendence, and other interesting subjects. He has published widely on Iamblichus, with special reference to theurgy.
Works Cited in this Episode:
- Eunapius on the suicidal Porphyry: VS 456 Wright.
- ‘Plotinus seemed almost ashamed to be in the body …’: Porph. Plot. 1.
Sam GIlroy
April 28, 2022
Thank you so much for posting this. Humdinger of an opening question, nice foreshadowing to some very future episodes, and a beautiful, if not mysterious, forced ending.
Thank you again!
Earl Fontainelle
April 28, 2022
You’re very welcome, Sam!