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Podcast episode

Members only: Fake Apostles and Real Christianity: Exploring the ‘Pseudo-’ in the Pseudo-Dionysios

We return to the many theories – some ancient, some modern – as to the true identity of the writer known as Dionysios the Areopagite. Things get very esoteric.

Podcast episode

Members only: Unsaying the Divine Darkness: Exploring Dionysian Apophasis and Mysticism

We dive further (or is that climb higher?) into the divine darkness and what can(not) be said about it. Much of what can be said comes from Proclus, it turns out, but then the Pseudo-Dionysios takes it to the next level. Or does he?

Podcast episode

Members only: Fred Donner on the History of the History of Early Islām

We let the tape run and turn from what our evidence for early Islām is to the scholarship which got us to where we can assess this evidence at all. Fred Donner gives us a window into the academic study of Islamic origins over the last hundred years or so.

Podcast episode

Episode 202: Fred Donner on the History of Early Islām

We discuss what little we know and how much we don't know about the nature of the early ‘Believers' movement’, the nature and origins of the Qur'ān, the curious case of the so-called Constitution of Medinah, and what went on during the earliest decades of the Arab conquests. Fred Donner is our guide into unknown territory.

Blog post

Family Matters: Charlotte Rose on Ancient Egyptian Medical Magic for Women and Children

We discuss the dangerous, liminal space of childbirth and childhood in ancient Egypt. How might the gods, magic, and medicine interact to help make this a less perilous realm? Charlotte Rose has some ideas.

Podcast episode

Members only: Westward Ho! with Matthew Melvin-Koushki

We let the tape run, discussing languages, and what ‘the classics’ is supposed to mean, the contrafactual proposition that the dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire after the first world war was the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the twentieth century, the question of the ‘wastebasket of history model’ of western esotericism and how relevant it is to the Greater West model, and the magical war being fought for the future, and the need for warriors to get the language right.

Listen to the Introduction

An introduction to the podcast, discussing briefly what we mean by ‘western esotericism’. This episode also answers the burning question, ‘What’s so “secret” about The Secret History of Western Esotericism Podcast?’ and features a short quiz to test your knowledge of western esoteric history.

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