Podcast Episodes Themed "Apokatastasis"

Episode 199: Paul Pasquesi on the Book of the Holy Hierotheos

We discuss one of the lesser-known, but most esoterically-important, classics of Syriac spiritual literature, the Book of the Holy Hierotheos. Hierotheos was said to have been the teacher of Dionysius the Areopagite, but he wrote in Syriac, and taught a suspiciously-Evagrian practice of ascent to god.

Fake Apostles and Real Christianity: Exploring the ‘Pseudo-’ in the Pseudo-Dionysios

We return to the many theories – some ancient, some modern – as to the true identity of the writer known as Dionysios the Areopagite. Things get very esoteric.

Episode 92: Lifting the Veil: Esoteric Reading in Clement’s Stromateis

Clement stays esoteric. We examine the esoteric wisdom-lineages constructed by Clement, how he reads them, in the context of how he hides his reading of them. Plus, there seems to have been some genuine, contemporary esotericism going on in early Christianity.

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