Members-only podcast episode

Storytime: Reading Damascius’ Philosophic History, Part I: Text, Context, and Themes

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[There’s some weird crusty-sounding feedback or something for a while in the middle of this one, folks. Apologies, but it’s not too brutal, so I’m going to go ahead and put it out rather than re-recording]

Damascius’ Philosophic History, a.k.a. Life of Isidore, is a gold mine of crucial and delicious information about the philosophical and religious lives of the final generations of late-antique Platonists. It’s a gossipy, embittered, rather flawed work, and moreover, one which survives only in the most exiguous fragment-salad. But, boy, is it worth going through!

In this episode, Part I of a three-parter going through this extraordinary work, we set the stage: we discuss the state of the text, the history of scholarship leading from Photios and the Suda to modern editions, and some of the main themes of the work.

Works Cited in this Episode:


The Suda entries citing Damascius are too many to list here, but do be aware that all of them can be handily accessed through the fantastic Suda Online project (text by Adler, comments by numerous scholars), often with an English translation.

Damascius, Philosophic History (all numbers are citations of fragments in Athanassiadi’s edition/translation. She includes a correspondence between her numbering and Zintzen’s as an appendix, so if you want the Zintzen numbers, start with Athanassiadi and she will lead you to them).

For Eunapius’ Lives of the Sophists, see Wright’s edition/translation: Wilmer Cave Wright. Philostratus and Eunapius: The Lives of the Sophists. William Heinemann/Putnam, London/New York, NY, 1922.


Ada Adler, ed. Suidæ lexicon. Teubner, Leipzig, 1928–1938.

Alejandro Amenábar dir., Agora, 2009.

Johann Rudolf Asmus. Zur Rekonstruktion von Damascius’ Leben des Isidorus. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 19:265-84, 1910a.

Idem. Zur Rekonstruktion von Damascius’ Leben des Isidorus. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 18:424-80, 1909.

Idem. Das Leben des Philosophen Isidoros. Leipzig, 1911.

Polymnia Athanassiadi, editor. Damascius. The Philosophic History. The Text with Translation and Notes. Apameia, 1999.

Clemens Zintzen, editor. Damascii vitæ Isidori reliquiæ. Georg Olms Verlag, Hildesheim, 1967.

Recommended Reading:

A chart of the Athenian and Alexandrian schools in late antiquity.