Members-only podcast episode

Stephen Cooper on Marius Victorinus, Philosophy, Panpsychism, and a Modern Religious Platonism

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We keep the tape running and continue our discussion with Prof Cooper, asking him how Victorinus’ thought might provide useful tools for thinking toward a philosophically-satisfying Christianity today. Things get psychedelic, philosophic, and Platonistic.

Interview Bio:

Stephen A. Cooper is Professor of Religious Studies at Franklin and Marshall College. He has published very widely on Marius Victorinus, most of which can be found on his Academia page.

Works Cited in the Interview:

Frederick Douglass’ speech from 1854, “The Claims of the Negro Ethnologically Considered”, utilises Senecan/Stoic themes of universal humanity.

G.A. Piemonte. Vita in omnia pervenit: El vitalismo eriugeniano y la influencia de Mario Victorino. Buenos Aires, 1988.

Robert M. Sapolsky. Determined: A Science of Life without Free Will. Penguin, 2023.

Charles Taylor. Modern Social Imaginaries. Duke University Press, 2003.